Issue: I am not able to update windows manually on my computer.
Solution1: Search for Settings, navigate to Update and Security and click on it. In the left side of the screen, click on Windows Update tab and click Check Updates.
Solution2: If Solution1 does not work, search for CMD or Command and type gpupdate /force. This should apply the correct group policy settings from your domain joined Active Directory. After this, repeat the steps in Solution1.
Solution3: If Solution2 does not work, then it means your organization is blocking the feature that allows your computer to download updates directly from the internet. To check this, search for Registry Editor and run as administrator. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate. Search for DisableWindowsUpdateAccess or DoNotConnectToWindowsUpdateInternetLocations. For either DisableWindowsUpdateAccess or DoNotConnectToWindowsUpdateInternetLocations, if the REG_DWORD value is 1 (True), then the device is being blocked from downloading updates manually from Microsoft over the internet; to resolve this you can modify it and set the value to 0 (False). After this, repeat the steps in Solution1.